
Who sale the application of p265gh sheet

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Who sale the application of p265gh sheet

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application of P265GH sheet annealing is to heat the steel to 30 ~ 50℃ above the critical temperature, keep it in the heat treatment furnace for a period of time, and then cool it down to room temperature with the furnace. The purpose of application of p265gh sheet annealing is to refine the grain of steel, eliminate internal stress and reduce hardness, improve cutting performance, increase toughness and plasticity, and facilitate welding and rolling processes. application of p265gh sheet annealing can be complete annealing, incomplete annealing, stress relief annealing, isothermal annealing and spheroidizing annealing.

In 2019, our company has decorated the office building for newlook. We also make the cultural wall with various photos. These photos are a combination of application of p265gh sheet BBN Group various activities that record the company's beautiful memories in recent years. Among them are photos of the application of p265gh sheet company's annual meeting, photos of group trips, pictures of factories, party pictures, photos of outdoors organized barbecues, photos of winter sports, pictures of table tennis matches. The BBN steel company has rich staff activities and pleasant staff life.

application of p265gh sheet, Q245R (HIC) and Q245R (R-HIC) steel plates are widely used in large-scale equipment and components with complex corrosive media, such as water scrubber, second shift converter, coke tower, desulfurization tank, conversion gas waste heat boiler, methanation furnace, reactor, regenerator, hydrogenation reactor, methanation heater, conversion gas steam generator, etc.

We have transportation department and shipping department to coordinate logistics and delivery. Seamless connection between inland transportation and sea transportation ensures smooth delivery, saves transportation time and delivers goods in the first time. During the sea transportation, we will update the freight progress for customers on a regular basis, so as to facilitate the tracking of customers and make preparations for receiving goods leisurely and timely.

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